Saturday, June 11, 2016

Capstone Paper

My Capstone Paper

I did my entire senior capstone on the psychology of why people find it hard to change their beliefs. I originally wanted to make the whole thing revolve around 9/11 but I was required to relate the topic to my major, which was psychology. Even though I was allowed to write what I wanted (as long as it was based on peer reviewed research), some consistently tried to get me to focus on something else. It just reinforced how uncomfortable people are when it comes to talking about conspiracy within the government.

Friday, June 10, 2016


Topics I want to Discuss

1. Video of US Soldiers killing civilians in Iraq
2. George W. Bush - recount of Florida votes in 2000 election
3. Patriot Act
4. Evidence on 9/11 truth
5. Assassination of JFK
6. Gavin Seam - citizens arrested on bogus charges
7. Obama's crackdown on whistle blowing
8. Media's skew on what makes current events news
9. Bill Cooper - what he stood for and what happened to him
10. Government bails out banks "while wheeling and dealing with insurance company lobbyists to deliver a contorted version of health care reform" (Grace Lee Boggs)
11. Citizens United decision - validated corporate financing of elections (corporations are "persons")
12. The trillions of dollars being spent on unwinnable wars in the Middle East instead of trying to meet the needs within our own country
13. Change will not come from those in power
14. Government wants us to live in a state of fear - Orlando shooting - "media" reports that on 911 call gunman pledged allegiance to ISIS and mentioned the Boston Marathon bombing (in case there was any question that the Boston event was caused by terrorism)
15. Death of JFK Jr - the facts do not match up.